Ayazhan succeeds in winning her life back from cancer, but it has put her in a wheelchair!

02.07.2024 13:53

Dear friends! You carefully monitor how our enduring beauty Ayazhan is passing her hard way. The other day, the girl finished the course of chemotherapy. Mum is closely watching her daughter's condition. Her appetite has not normalised. Sometimes, she eats something, and sometimes, she doesn't want anything at all.

Sarcoma is one of the most severe types of cancer. Ayazhan has bravely fought a long battle that is usually beyond the strength of mature adults. The doctors managed to avoid amputation of her leg, but the surgery to remove the tumour left its mark. As a result, the girl is unable to walk on her own.

In the evenings, when the temperature drops, Ayazhan's mother takes her daughter for a walk. Ayazhan always looks forward to this time. She doesn't just breathe in fresh air but also inhales the life beyond the hospital walls. That life doesn’t smell with medicines and the energy of pain but with harmony, joy, and the anticipation of something new, enjoyable, and inspiring. The creative girl gazes at the rare passersby and imagines herself living a whole life, not one defined by battling disease or survival but moving forward to where everything is inspiring and uplifting.

To start living a better life, Ayazhan has to learn to walk again. Recently, she and her mom visited an orthopedist who took measurements of Ayazhan's feet to make particular trainers that would help to even out the difference in her feet. Ayazhan is slowly beginning to stand up and cautiously trying to put weight on her injured leg. On June 27th, she started the first round of rehabilitation with physiotherapy. Today, she is meeting an oncologist and undergoing necessary tests and check-ups. Her parents are praying for positive results so that Ayazhan can have a chance to survive.

Please help the girl complete her treatment. Although cancer didn't take her away from her family, it has put her in a wheelchair. Your support will enable her to undergo rehabilitation, turning the tide against cancer and allowing her to lead an active and fulfilling life. Ayazhan deserves to pursue her dreams with her own two feet. Please consider offering your help!

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