Send help to Sun of hope PF!
07.08.2023 15:00
We are happy that every day we are making more and more friends. Today we are pleased to introduce our new partner - Bitumen Terminal “SINTES” LLC. The company representatives contacted our foundation with a desire to help seriously ill children and support medical facilities.
"We contacted Sultan Stambekov, head of the National Centre for Maternity and Childhood Protection's oncology department, who told us that the hospital constantly needs the medicine "Penem". We also learnt from Kandoolot Sarbanova, head of the burns department, that young patients need the antibiotic "Tson-S". They need to take this medication twice a day. And one patient needs about 20 vials during treatment. Unfortunately, patients don't always have money to buy vital medications. Thanks to the "SINTES" LLC, we managed to help the Centre to purchase medicines - with the allocated funds, we bought 50 packs of Penema and 130 packs of Tson-S. The medicines were handed over to medical institutions and will be given to children requiring help. We are very grateful to the "SINTES" LLC. We are very pleased that our foundation has such wonderful friends with a big heart and a desire to help those in trouble," says Dina Makarenko, Head of the Sun of Hope Public Foundation.
We are happy that being a socially responsible business is still a priority for companies. The social responsibility of companies is not just a fashionable trend but an important principle that allows companies to help society in difficult moments. We express our sincere gratitude to our partners for their contribution to a healthy future for children!
Another family's life has been divided into "BEFORE" and "AFTER" since the parents learned that their beloved son, Abdurahim, has cancer.
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Read more ...“Unfortunately, we have not raised the necessary funds for the surgery. Currently, we are negotiating with the hospital to see if it is possible to perform the surgery first and allow us to pay later. So far, the clinic representatives have stated that payment must be made as soon as the donor agrees to proceed. They will only take the donor's cells after the payment is completed.
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