The students of the school-gymnasium No. 26 support the children with cancer again

27.03.2024 04:59

The students of School Gymnasium No. 26 have reached out to us again with news of their latest initiative. These children are truly special, and their latest campaign "Green Apple" is proof of that. The campaign aims to support young patients in the oncology department at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. The students have collected several bags of green apples, which will be given to the children currently undergoing treatment.

This campaign is especially relevant during the spring avitaminosis when the children's bodies are particularly weakened by the disease and the impact of chemotherapy. With the help of our foundation, the apples will be donated to the Department of Children's Oncology and Haematology at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. The students of School Gymnasium No. 26 have once again shown that they have a heart of gold and that they are eager to help others in need.

"I believe that teaching children the importance of helping those in need is crucial; it helps to form an active civic position from childhood. To achieve this, it is necessary to explain to children the reality of helping others. If you see someone in need, it's important to lend a helping hand. Because when we work together, we can achieve a lot. School charity should not be seen as an obligation but as a chance to share joy, a good holiday, and an opportunity to give a gift to someone in need.

This is the principle that the administration of school gymnasium No. 26 in Bishkek follows by regularly supporting young patients of the National Centre. Last year, they collected toys for the children, and this year they organized the Green Apple campaign. I am very grateful to the school administration, students, and parents. I hope that we have many more charitable initiatives ahead of us that will support seriously ill children," says Dina Makarenko, Head of the Sun of Hope Foundation. 

The Sun of Hope Foundation acts as a bridge between seriously ill children, hospitals, and those who want to support them. We aim to make the world a better place and change the future of our children. We are always ready to support the initiatives of companies and educational institutions. If you have any ideas, please email us at

Let's unite for a healthy future for our children!

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