
The students of the school-gymnasium No. 26 support the children with cancer again
27 Mar 04:59

The students of School Gymnasium No. 26 are truly special, and their latest campaign "Green Apple" is proof of that. The campaign aims to support young...

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On World Candy Day, participate in the campaign
18 Oct 14:03

It would be great if childhood consisted of bright colours, happy memories, candy and holidays. But we know that many children worldwide have illnesses,...

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Support the Sunny Nutrition Project, and give children the chance of a painless life!
21 Aug 14:01

Specialised nutrition plays a crucial role in the treatment of complex diseases. Parents of seriously ill children often ask us to purchase therapeutic food...

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Start the week with kindness by donating to help children
24 Jul 13:00

We offer to make Monday the kindest Monday ever by sending any amount to support the Sunny Meals Project. Even the smallest donation can make a difference -...

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A new project, "Sunny Nutrition", aims to help children
24 Jan 08:51

As much as we may wish it, we cannot cure in an instant all the children whose destiny is to fight serious diseases. But we can help them walk this path...

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The Sunny Nutrition Foundation project helps little Umut
11 Jan 06:36

We are happy to share the news of our ward Umut Abdybekova - the baby is in remission, she has been discharged from the hospital and she and her mother have...

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We helped the paediatric oncology department of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health
26 Dec 08:31

During one of our visits to the hospital, the head of the paediatric oncology department, Aikanysh Orozbekova, told us that they do not have some of the...

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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