We helped the paediatric oncology department of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health

26.12.2022 08:31

"During one of our visits to the hospital, the head of the paediatric oncology department, Aikanysh Orozbekova, told us that they do not have some of the necessary medicines, including voriconazole. Our foundation decided to help the young patients in the department and brought them this antifungal drug on their next visit," says Dina Makarenko, director of the Sun of Hope Foundation.

On this occasion, we decided to ask Aikanysh Bolotovna a few questions that came from our subscribers:


- Why do oncological children develop stomatitis?

- During chemotherapy, the number of white blood cells in children decreases. When this happens, ulcers, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and haemorrhoids can occur. These symptoms are usually due to fungus. Even if there is no stomatitis, we give antifungals for prevention. There are two such types in the department now. Children suffer a lot from these ulcers and plaque in the mouth.

- Why do not other drugs, for example, fluconazole, help?

- Over time, the fungus develops a resistance to the drug. First it was fluconazole, now voriconazole. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find this drug in Bishkek. The parents themselves can still order it from Russia or Turkey. The state does not buy it and the hospital has no such financial possibility. We are very grateful to your foundation for helping our children.

Our foundation aims to give as many children as possible the opportunity to lead healthy lives. Thank you to everyone who supports our activities. We hope that together we can help the children and give them a healthy future!


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