Support the Sunny Nutrition Project, and give children the chance of a painless life!

21.08.2023 14:01

Specialised nutrition plays a crucial role in the treatment of complex diseases. Parents of seriously ill children often ask us to purchase therapeutic food and specific medications required under the treatment protocol. That is why we launched the Sunny Nutrition charity project to provide seriously ill children with specialised therapeutic nutrition, expensive vitamins and supportive medicines.

Not much time has passed since the project started, but several children have already managed to receive help:

Little Umut Abdybekova has a complicated recovery after severe treatment for aggressive cancer. During her illness, the girl's body weakened considerably. She needed expensive drugs to restore calcium deficiency.

Daniel Stekenov has blood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The boy underwent four courses of chemotherapy in the hospital. He receives further treatment at home: he has weekly blood tests, and once a month, doctors check his bone marrow, and he drinks dry chemotherapy and follows a therapeutic diet, which costs the family a lot of money.  We helped the child to pass the examination and purchased him liquid calcium with magnesium, which he needed.

We also supported young patients of the children's oncology department of the National Centre for Maternity and Childhood Protection as part of the "Solar Nutrition" project. At the request of the Head of the department Orozbekova Aikanysh Bolotovna, we purchased the antifungal medication Voriconazole. During chemotherapy, the number of leucocytes in children’s bodies decreases. It can cause ulcers, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and haemorrhoids. These side effects have mainly fungal aetiology. Children suffer greatly from oral ulcers and plaque without the necessary medication support.

We are grateful to everyone who donates to our charity projects. Only thanks to you we help seriously ill children. Every donation makes someone's life kinder and better. Thank you for your loyalty!

Support the Sunny Nutrition Project, and give children the chance of a painless life!

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