We are grateful to the administration and students of Gymnasium 26!

06.06.2023 16:57

Recently, Tanzilya Djetisbaevna Samanchinova, deputy director for educational work at grammar school No. 26, came to our foundation. The students collected many toys for the children undergoing treatment in the children's oncology and onomatology departments. With the help of our foundation, we wanted to pass these presents to the kids at the hospital.

"Our school has an organisation called New Generation, which celebrated its 20th-anniversary last year. From the fifth grade onwards, children become part of this association. There are many different areas within our activities, and charity is one of them. Students from our school give concerts and organise events at orphanages and schools for children with developmental difficulties and support children with Down's syndrome. Every year we collect toys for children with cancer. We held a campaign called "The Green Apple" - children brought apples to school, which they gave to the haematology department. We have had a pretty extensive campaign which inspired the children. They come up and ask when the next campaign will take place. I think it is essential to teach children to be charitable from early childhood." - Tanzila Jethisbaevna told us.

The students collected the toys and brought them to the children's oncology and haematology department at the National Centre for Mother and Child Protection. Now the little ones can get a little consolation after an unpleasant procedure - a prize from the box of bravery.

This story has inspired us to launch a new charity drive to collect toys for children in hospitals. Information about it will soon appear on our website.

We are very grateful to the administration of grammar school №26, parents and students. You are incredible! We are happy that such amazing people are ready to help those in difficult times and raise kindness and compassion in the younger generation. You gave the little patients, not just toys but shared a piece of warmth, care and courage! Thank you for your sensitivity and openness of heart!

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