International Artist Day at the Motherhood and Childhood Centre

18.12.2023 10:10

On such a significant holiday, the Sun of Hope Foundation decided to cheer up oncology children with a master class where they will try themselves as real artists! Yana Kuzmenko, a real artist and teacher, visited the children's oncology department with the Sun of Hope Foundation director, Dina Makarenko and agreed to hold this master class.

There were sheets of paper, pencils, cups - non-pouring and brushes with paints on the tables. And among all this, there were small pictures with images of kittens in hats, foxes and even a capybara wrapped in a scarf. Each young artist chose the miniature he liked best and started to reproduce it in his drawing. Jana helped to reproduce the basic outlines of the animals, and then they only had to mix the colours on the palettes.

The children drew with great pleasure! The animals in their drawings were so kind, cute and cosy! And the drawings themselves - almost professional. The background on which snowflakes were falling and created a genuine winter atmosphere emphasised the winter portraits perfectly.

Our artists-animalists joyfully demonstrated their masterpieces, holding them to their chests. It was as if real fluffy animals entered the hospital and brought some love, warmth and the feeling of winter freshness and joy. And even though, the kids were wearing masks, it was still noticeable that under the masks, they had real happy smiles!

Many thanks to Yana for organising this master class. It helped the children with cancer to forget about their problems and illnesses and feel happy and healthy children, at least for a while.

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