The cancer will kill David without your help. It is dangerous to postpone treatment!

17.07.2023 14:00

"It's scary because I know people die of cancer. I want to believe that the disease will go away and I will go home. But when it is so painful, I can't even eat, I feel nauseous all the time, and have no energy for anything, it seems like there is no salvation. I read the phrase, "Even if you're going through hell, keep going." I repeat it to myself all the time. I tell myself: "Have faith, David, have faith, you can do it". But I think I'm losing my last hope. No money. Without money, there's no cure. I keep going towards my dream of beating cancer. Only without your help, I can't do it," says 9-year-old David, who already thinks like an adult. Cancer children grow up early because they face unbearable pain and life on the brink.

David has no time at all. His treatment is already underway and cannot be interrupted. Please support the boy's collection.

The coronavirus that David contracted in July 2022 has been the trigger of woes in the boy's life. The pain in his left ankle developed into a terrible illness. The doctors, as is usually the case with cancer, were not immediately able to make the correct diagnosis. At first, they treated arthritis, but David was not getting any better. The pain now spread to the left upper part of his jaw. The dentists found a cyst. The histology results changed the boy's life forever - a mass in his mouth and left cervical lymphadenopathy. David was diagnosed with lymphoblastic lymphoma! 

David was offered life-saving treatment at the Medical Park clinic in Turkey. All the family's money was spent on an advance payment to start the therapy urgently. The parents have no money to continue the treatment. The hope is in merciful people who will be able to support David in his desire to survive. The fundraising is going at a disastrously slow pace. We run the risk of not getting there in time. Please respond to David's plight.

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