David Kolesnikov

Diagnosis: Cancer. Stage 3-4 lymphoblastic lymphoma

Needed: Urgent treatment at Medical Park, Istanbul, Turkey

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After suffering from Covid in July 2022, the boy began to feel pain in his left ankle. The doctors suspected reactive arthritis, but his vitals were within normal limits. In September, the pain developed in the left upper jaw. During the removal of the cyst, the dentists took a histology test. It revealed that the cyst was compatible with a tumour. Thus the tumour, which had already developed in the leg, had severely affected the bone.


The child was growing up almost healthy. Suddenly there was a tumour in his mouth and left cervical lymphadenopathy. Painful swelling on the left ankle, about five centimetres. What a shock to his parents to learn that their boy had been diagnosed with lymphoblastic lymphoma!


When the boy found out about his diagnosis he cried because he had read online that people die of cancer.


The intraoral lesion materials were sent for analysis to the Department of Pathology at Koç University, Turkey, for consultation. To the family's horror, the diagnosis of B lymphoblastic lymphoma was confirmed. What a pity that time was missed when the disease could have been detected and treated in time. But, unfortunately, David had several different diagnoses in his home country, and his leg was even put in a cast!


It was a true miracle that David and his parents managed to go to Turkey for treatment. There was only enough money to make the first advance payment.


"My son desperately is trying to recover, although the procedures are now and then normal and later very hard. The medication hurts his bones and makes him weak, nauseous and apathetic. He hates catheters for blood or medicine," says his father.


His grandmother and brother are waiting for him at home, and his favourite cats are Tom and Korzhik. The boy is very affectionate with his mother. He likes studying and drawing with her, and he often cooks together with his mother at home. He also likes studying encyclopedias, folding constructor sets, and taking care of his pets and other animals.


But David's biggest dream is to become a traveller! After all, he was a toddler not so long ago, just starting to discover this beautiful and exciting world!  And to discover it further, you need to be strong and resilient. Unfortunately, the child has not walked at all since August. Cancer has destroyed the structure of the heel bone on his left foot. The doctors reassured the boy that they can repair it too.


With desperate sincerity and absolute faith, David is waiting for the disease to be over! And it is indeed possible, but only by working together. Help David to get back to life and walk again! Your contribution is one of the boy's steps towards his recovery!


The baby is fading before our eyes. Please help

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