David is getting ready to reinduct and is wearing a plastic shoe!

12.06.2023 06:27

The diagnosis made after a covid in 2022 could have permanently killed if not the boy himself, then at least buried his dreams. Especially as a leg with terminal lymphoma was put in a cast. A timely analysis taken by the dentist made it possible to catch the situation literally by the tail! With a shattered heel bone in a wheelchair, David began his battle against the swift and treacherous Cancer!


David is a big boy now, having recently turned 9 years old. He does look on the internet and researches everything about his health. One day he told his mum excitedly: "Mum, I'm scared of dying! I read stories like this when children are treated and treated, and treated, and then they get the disease again!" The main thing is that he wants to get better, even though he is afraid of a relapse. David hopes with all his heart that his leg will recover and he will run and ride his favourite bicycle again! He also misses his home, where he has not been since last December. Although he is very attached to his mother, it is hard for him to be away from his father, grandmother and brother for so long. His beloved cats Tom and Korzyk are also waiting for him there.


Luckily, a treatment protocol for a severe and advanced case of stage 3-4 lymphoma was found at a clinic in Istanbul. The treatment started in Turkey helped shrink the visible tumours, but the disease was firmly rooted in the boy's body. The treatment protocol was strictly followed, and the penultimate course of chemotherapy was completed. But this week the child has had his scans. There is a residual tumour in his leg.


There were two ways to continue the treatment of David. The first was a final course of chemotherapy. After that, the boy will undergo supportive therapy for a year and a half, with periodic check-ups. The second option was supportive therapy but with prior re-induction. It is almost the same chemical influence on the organism as at the beginning of treatment, which means that hair loss, endless nausea, bone breaking, loss of appetite and worsening of sleep will occur. Chemo puts you at high risk of catching pneumonia. Immunity drops dramatically, and the fever rises. And David has to go through it all again. Unfortunately, the doctors decided that killing the cancer cells which are still hiding in David's body, is impossible without such a radical method as re-induction.


Now David is having a long-awaited break between treatments. The last chemotherapy treatment was about three weeks ago. All the side effects are now gone and the boy is feeling better. He is already out of the wheelchair and trying to walk. The orthopaedist recently prescribed a specific plastic shoe for David. It is because his leg does not hurt much when he rests but is painful when he walks.


Support David in his crucial struggle! Allow him to undergo re-induction to finish off his dangerous disease!

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