Kind stories. "Thank you, Doctor!"

11.08.2023 08:01

Kindness, mercy, and concern for others create the foundation of human happiness. A person who does good to others feels happy. Our story today is about this.

A little girl was brought to the young surgeon for examination.

"When I finished my internship, I worked simultaneously in the state and a private clinic. One day they brought me a girl with a badly bruised arm. I examined her, X-rayed her, and nothing serious turned out to be wrong. But my attention was attracted by the defect of the girl's hand. The girl had a congenital pathology: the fingers are barely mobile, and the hand practically does not bend. The girl's parents complained that they could not afford the operation, and the surgeons told them that the chance to correct the defect was not too great.

This case seemed very interesting, and I had a vision already of what manipulations I should do to help the girl.

A few days after the examination, I asked the girl's parents to bring her to my private clinic for surgery, assuring them that I would do everything for free. They would only have to pay for physiotherapy afterwards, but this was not a problem, and I had arranged it with a specialist I knew.

The parents were a little doubtful about the success of the surgery because they had been assured for a long time that it was impossible to help the child, so they asked me:

- What guarantees are there that our daughter won't get worse?

- You know, she won't become a pianist, but she will use her hand confidently enough if we do therapy after the operation. She'll hold a pen and won't have issues with writing.

But then the girl herself intervened:

- Doctor, will I be able to draw? I dream of learning to draw beautifully!

I assured her with a smile that she would do it. The surgery was successful, and her parents regularly took my little patient for physiotherapy afterwards.

When they came to me a year later for a scheduled check-up, the girl shining handed me a drawing. There was a flower with multicoloured petals on a piece of paper, and at the bottom was the inscription: "Thank you, doctor!" written in a child's unsteady handwriting. And you know, I've never received a more expensive gift."  

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