"Don't leave me, I'm so scared," Jami begs for help

12.07.2023 15:00

"Don't leave me, I'm so scared," 10-year-old Jamila begs for help. The situation is very grave. Liver cancer!

"Mummy, stay with me, please," whispers a gaunt and exhausted Jami. The girl, choking back tears, moans in pain. The disease started with suspected appendicitis, has turned deadly and is trying to take Jamili's life. Heavy treatment has helped stop another cancer attack. But this could all be a temporary lull. If treatment is interrupted, the disease will leave no chance and take the girl's last strength in a few days. The family has no money to continue the treatment. Please help Jami to make the most of her last chance to survive.

In the spring of 2022, Jami was hospitalised with suspected appendicitis. The doctors were shocked to find a liver tumour measuring up to 15cm on ultrasound. With a preliminary diagnosis of Sarcoma, the girl underwent surgery, and the doctors removed 75% of her liver together with the tumour. Later the diagnosis was corrected in Istanbul's Medipol Mega Hospital; it was not a Sarcoma but a Hepatoblastoma. After long courses of chemotherapy, the cancer was suppressed. Unfortunately, it was a brief respite. In February 2023, the deadly disease returned, taking over vital body systems. A relapse!

Examinations showed metastases. Urgent anaesthesia was administered, as well as radiotherapy. Chemotherapy was added. The treatment is rough, but it's working. The doctors' prognosis is encouraging. 

But the treatment is unaffordable for one family because the cost is prohibitive. Only the joint efforts of people who are not indifferent to other people's misfortune can save her.

Jami needs your help! Cancer won't loosen its steely grip, and the poor girl burns quickly. Help Jami to fight back against aggressive cancer!

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