Milana's only had her first course of antibodies. There should be five...

08.09.2023 11:45

Our Milanochka has embarked on a new path of war with her main enemy - cancer! It has deprived the girl of her health, and then she and her mum of their home because the fight against it requires a lot of money. But Milana does not give up. She has started a new course of treatment in a Barcelona clinic. It is hard for the girl now...

The other day, she had her fourth injection of the humanised monoclonal antibody Naxitamab, which aims to fight neuroblastoma, particularly in Milana's case - a relapse. This is just the first course. And there are five courses. Each one consists of five days of chemo and four days of immunotherapy. Any medicine has side effects, and the one prescribed to Mila is certainly no exception! That is why it was decided to carry out the first injection within 2 hours, under the close supervision of the intensive care doctor, as it is the first time the child receives immunotherapy together with chemotherapy.

Before Naxitamab was administered, premedication with drugs from different groups (Ketamine, Paracetamol, Ondansetron, Dimedrol, Sibazon, Methylprednisolone, saline solution) was performed to maximise the reduction of neuropathic pain and first of all, to prevent the allergic reaction. All body vitals were monitored by machines connected to Milana. From the sharp and intolerable pain in the chest after Ketamine injection, the girl almost loses consciousness. It is difficult for her to breathe, and she does not understand what is happening to her and asks for an oxygen mask. But the saturation is normal, and mum can put ice on her daughter's stomach or hand. Milano's blood pressure drops to 70/41. Her heart rate rises to 171 beats per minute due to the pain... Temperature rises, swelling, even of the tongue. The allergy is stopped immediately, and Singulair is added for better lung function. After the antibody injection, a lavage drip is given for two hours. During this time, Milana tries to sleep if she can. Several days after the procedure, there may be fever, nausea and lack of appetite.

Until the 9th of September, Milana will have a rest. But it is only a short respite between the courses, each of which is another battle for life ...

Now the girl just Needed to take all five courses! But her mother does not have the money for these five courses. Any support and help is Milana's step to save her. Otherwise, why is she fighting for this life? Let's help her and allow her to fight further.

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