
Milana is turning 13 today. Happy birthday to her!
25 Mar 05:26

Milana, Happy birthday to you! We hope your strong faith, spirit, bright thoughts, warmth, and love will help you overcome your illness.

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Happy Birthday, Milana!
15 Mar 10:17

Today, our Milana celebrates her birthday. She turns 12 years old. What a hard journey this girl has had! And what a clever girl she is! No matter how...

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We helped Milana! The girl continues her treatment!
22 Nov 11:20

Dear friends, it is so wonderful when we achieve our goals! Especially if those goals are saving children. We helped to save calm and patient Milana, who has...

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Milasha lies down mostly and lives only in her dreams!
31 Oct 13:37

Milana is now undergoing immunotherapy along with chemotherapy at the hospital in Barcelona. She has completed her 3rd course of treatment, which lasted two...

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Milana's only had her first course of antibodies. There should be five...
08 Sep 11:45

Our Milanochka has embarked on a new path of war with her main enemy - cancer! It has deprived the girl of her health, and then she and her mum of their home...

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Milana is dreaming of returning to school. Cancer is in her way!
28 Aug 12:05

Here come the final days of the beautiful summer period. And with the arrival of autumn, the main worries and excitement are connected with the new school...

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Help! The cancer is taking the girl apart
22 Aug 14:15

The exhausted girl is facing five courses of chemoimmunotherapy. They're incredibly hard to bear. Cancer beats mercilessly! When Mila asks her mum how long...

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"My name is Milana. I'm 12 years old, and I have cancer. I'm terrified!"
08 Aug 13:00

​​​​​​​That was how our beneficiary Milana Dereberya began her letter. The girl has been trying to defeat the terrible disease for several years. She is in...

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"Why don't they notice me? Is it because I'm a grown-up?"
19 Jul 11:00

Milana is awake at night in pain. Her mum sits by her side and prays. The fundraising is going very slowly, almost standing still. But the cancer doesn't...

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Milana has been diagnosed with active cancer cells again. SOS!
13 Jul 13:00

Cancer has reactivated again. Immunotherapy helped Milana, and the girl survived for over a year and a half without chemotherapy. But now they are changing...

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A new fundraising campaign is now open! Milana and her mum are here to appeal to you
16 Jun 11:43

Every day of 12-year-old Milana's life becomes a struggle for the right to live. Cancer has been attacking her for four years and trying to take her life. ...

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Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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