A new fundraising campaign is now open! Milana and her mum are here to appeal to you

16.06.2023 11:43

Every day of 12-year-old Milana's life becomes a struggle for the right to live. Cancer has been attacking her for four years and trying to take her life.  Milana is exhausted, and her body is working at the limit. Sometimes the girl is in so much pain that she can't breathe. There is no treatment in her home country, and the San Juan de Deu hospital is her last hope for salvation.


Her mother has sold her flat, borrowed and gone into huge debt, but she still doesn't have enough money for treatment. Time is running out. Milana is at risk of being left on the street without a chance of recovery. Now every one of you needs help!


"We have no money for further treatment. All these years of struggle have made us destitute. We don't have a flat, and I only receive a children's allowance. The new bill is huge. There is no treatment in Kazakhstan, we have already gone through contraceptive treatment in Moscow, and the only chance left is to go through treatment in Spain. I am crying out for help. I appeal to everyone, PLEASE! My baby is in a hell of a lot of pain every day. The hospital is asking me to pay for the treatment. I don't know where to get the money. The clinic doesn't like it when big debts pile up. Our situation is precarious. We could just go without treatment, and everything would be for nothing! For God's sake, please save my daughter!" - Milana's mother appeals to everyone.


Milana is alive against all odds. She endures unbearable suffering and complex treatment. She supports her mother, who stays up all night looking for money. Milana is tired and sometimes suffers such severe pain that even strong medicine cannot save her. Despite this, she doesn't give up hope. When it gets a little easier, she immediately asks for her textbooks, doesn't give up on her studies, takes all the subjects remotely and passes all the tests and exams. She believes salvation is coming. She spends her life in a hospital ward, and Mila only sees the colours of life through the window. No, she doesn't complain she suffers in silence. We asked her how she would like to spend her day. "I want to wake up and not be in pain," she whispered...


We believe that Milana's story will resonate with you. You can’t overcome cancer by yourself. There is no means to continue the fight. Please save Milana from death!

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