Happy Birthday, Milana!

15.03.2024 10:17

Today, our Milana celebrates her birthday. She turns 12 years old. What a hard journey this girl has had! And what a clever girl she is! No matter how difficult it is, Milana does not give up and continues to live her happiest life. Even when cancer stands in the way of the future. The girl will celebrate this day at home with her family, for the first time in a long time, is out of the hospital. Milanochka asked for trendy trainers for her holiday. The girl is getting used to regular life life, but she has to go to Korea for check-ups every three months. The appointment this time will be on the 18th of March. It is still unknown what procedures await them. According to the test results, the further plan of action will be clear.

We are sure that Milana will be able to realise so many things she dreams of! Milana keeps up with the activity of her friends. She shoots short videos for social media, draws and knits, makes crafts and edits videos. She loves to cook and decorate everything around her, and loves dancing and karate.

It is not easy to fight the disease for so many years physically and emotionally. But the girl is supported by her beloved sisters, Lea and Amelie, and her mother. She had been waiting for the birth of her Milanochka for three long years, and the news that it would happen was a true miracle. At that time, no one could have known that so much would have to be endured. But love conquers all difficulties and sorrows.

"Milana is my first child. I have been waiting for her for three years. Our meeting was unforgettable. She's always been a smart, clever girl. And we wish her a happy, healthy and long life! We are grateful to all the kind people!"- Mother.

The family will do great! And we wish Milanochka good health, an easy-going life, inspiration and joy! May everything work out and all dreams come true!

Milana, stay always cheerful and active! Let your karate dream come true, and at dances and school, all victories will be yours! Milana is a friendly and warm-hearted girl. She will do her best in life!

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