Milana is dreaming of returning to school. Cancer is in her way!

28.08.2023 12:05

Dear readers! Here come the final days of the beautiful summer period. And with the arrival of autumn, the main worries and excitement are connected with the new school year and the preparation for it for all children, from small to large. All of them, of course, rejoiced in the longest holidays of the year, but they had already missed their classmates, schoolmates, and even their adult mentors, tutors, teachers, and professors. Then what to mention about the cute and well-mannered girl, who loves to study, but cannot continue her education for the 4th year? She is not allowed to go to school because of Cancer, which clung to her in the first grade...

Milana has been fighting for her life since she was seven years old. When the girl's back began to hurt unbearably, her mother took her to the regional hospital, where they discovered that the fluid filled her lungs and a big tumour was squeezing everything inside. The diagnosis was retroperitoneal neuroblastoma with mediastinal lymph node involvement, stage 4. After chemotherapy, radiotherapy, antiretroviral therapy and TCM for 9 months, the cancer went into remission, but it came back as a relapse - a 10 cm tumour next to the heart! The doctors took 5 hours to remove it. Milana survived! But she was at high risk. Immunotherapy kept the neuroblastoma at bay for another year and a half. But this disease is insidious with its mutation. It's back.

Mum, who sold her apartment to save her daughter, found the cheapest bill for the treatment Needed for her child, which, alas, is only possible abroad. Now this treatment is going on in the Spanish hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Barcelona. But the girl is very exhausted by the new chemotherapy. All she does is lie down and cry. Nothing interests her and she does not even want to answer the phone.

Milana has always been an active and cheerful child, striving to be better - she studied excellently, entered the art school, and was engaged in swimming. She attracted other children for her kind and cheerful character, and she always had a lot of friends. Milana is also a very creative person, and she loves sewing and drawing. Having switched to homeschooling, she did not stop studying well. One of her favourite subjects is mathematics. But often, she has to do her homework lying down because of pain. According to the test results, she has been transferred to the 6th grade. The girl dreams of becoming a lawyer and opening a shelter for homeless animals. And first, of course, to recover and go to her favourite school again in a festive school dress, sit at the desk, open a new textbook rustling with paper, and share secrets with her friends at the break and eat a fragrant apple, carefully placed by her mother in her briefcase... All this is so familiar and ordinary for the kids whose school days were interrupted only for holidays. But for Milana, it is a dream, inseparably connected with the desire to become a healthy girl again!

So, if you are ready to help Milana's dream come true, support her. Any of your help can become a significant part of the kindness, love and care that this girl needs so much!

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