Stories of kindness. The impossible is possible.

09.06.2023 16:53

"He lay quietly in the bed by the window and looked up at the sky. Oh, how he hated Sundays! He was very lonely since the last boy in his room had recently gone to the clouds. The little boy, despite his terrible diagnosis, was not suffering much. Only the loneliness was causing him pain. It was easier during the day- doctors, parents, people in the hospital yard, and snowfall kept his mind off his sad thoughts. When the boy was alone, he was sad, and sometimes even cried silently.

However, something told him that he would stay for a while and go to the clouds too- to the Magic City.

In the meantime, his parents were doing everything possible to save their son, but time was running out, like sand through their fingers. The money needed for treatment was enormous- several million, unreal money. Neither an appeal to foundations nor a story on television helped. And there was no way they could raise the money, it was too much.

One day his parents got a call. Volunteers. They asked them to come urgently to the foundation office. And when they arrived, not knowing why they were called, they were told: "We have the money, the whole amount, your son will live!" The parents were shocked.

- "But how? That's a lot of money!" 

The volunteers replied that the donation was anonymous.

No one knew that far to the North, in one of the diamond mines, there were REAL people.

The director of that mine had a son the same age as the sick baby, but he died in a traffic accident. And the director, seeing the same story on television, gathered the entire mine staff and during a general meeting of the company's team, said: "You all know how I lost my son. My wife won't be able to have any more children. My boy was the same age as this sick baby, and his name was the same. I want to ask you all to do me a favour. Let's do a good deed and let's make a little miracle happen. I invite everyone who can donate money for this child's treatment, and I will be the first to do so by donating my monthly salary in full. It's up to you to donate, and how much, I'm not obligating anyone to do anything. The payment details will be in the accounting department. I am grateful in advance for your help.

Imagine the director's surprise when the company's accountant told him the staff refused to receive their salaries, all of them, to the last miner. They asked him to transfer the money to a fund for the treatment of that little boy. The director was deeply touched: "Thank God I have such caring people working in my company! Amazingly, they understand that no one else's misfortune exists. I'll issue an order, and we'll give them all a bonus of 100% of their salaries. We'll take the money from the reserve fund. The playground can wait, and a sick boy can't." And so it turned out. All the employees got a bonus for their hard work, but in fact, for a good heart. They saved the boy!

A little later, the director's wife came home in tears of happiness. He asked her: "What happened, dear? Has someone hurt you? Why are you crying?!"

His wife said through tears: "We're going to have children. Twins." The director was stunned: "But how?! The doctors said you could never have children again!" And she replied, "The doctor said it's a miracle, and there's no way to explain it."

And that's when the director realised that love is the most incredible power in the universe, and if you show true love, the impossible becomes possible.

These events took place in real life, and therefore the author reserves the right not to mention the names of characters and dates, and changes the geography and chronology of events." © The Wanderer.

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