How can we avoid gadget addiction?

29.03.2024 05:13

It is hard to imagine a life without gadgets in today's world. They are widely used in education. However, many parents are concerned about their children's increasing addiction to phones and computers, leading them to leave reality for the virtual world. To avoid gadget addiction, we spoke to school psychologist Anastasia Andreevna Novoselova, who recommends not withholding gadgets completely. 

Instead, she suggests not giving phones to children at an early age. Parents should instead engage with their children by playing with them and giving them toys. Preschool children can only focus their attention for 10-15 minutes, and it gradually increases as they grow older. Therefore, parents can engage with their children for 30-40 minutes as they reach the age of 6. Children at an early age can quickly switch their attention to other activities. Therefore, playing with them during the day does not require much time for the mother.

If your child is addicted to gadgets at school age, it's important to replace the gadget with an alternative activity rather than taking it away completely. For instance, you can plan a weekend walk without gadgets. You can also make it a tradition to have an evening tea party, where all gadgets are switched off or taken away for half an hour. It will be your quality family time without any gadgets.

However, if the addiction is severe, it's not advisable to deprive your child of gadgets completely. Instead, you can stipulate a specific time for gadget use, such as "Use them for an hour after you finish your homework." By doing this, your child will know that they have to complete their homework first before using the gadget.

As a parent, you can set parental controls on your child's phone to manage their screen time. However, there may be conflicts when the scheduled usage time is up, and your child wants to keep using the phone. It is advisable to set a specific time for phone usage and adhere to it to avoid such situations.

If your child is addicted to gaming, try not to take away their phone immediately after they finish a game. Allow them to complete the level, and then ask them to put the phone away.

It's difficult to eliminate the use of gadgets in today's world. However, it's important to educate your children about the importance of family, friendship, and communication. By doing so, they can grow up with the right guidelines and a healthy relationship with technology.

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