International Volunteer Day!

05.12.2023 05:14

Dear friends, today is a holiday celebrated worldwide with the best and most simple everyday deeds! After all, our lives are filled with such deeds. But on this day, nevertheless, it is impossible not to remember the people thanks to whom this holiday was born! 

A volunteer is a person who chooses to limit himself in some joys, personal free hours or even days, to not the most pleasant labour, often physically complicated. And all this such a person does for the sake of goodness and light, for the sake of making the life of people or animals, of our planet itself, even a little bit cleaner, better, happier, healthier. 

In other words, a volunteer is a humane service to nature and society. It is a service that is a requirement of such a person's soul. Such people as volunteers simply cannot do otherwise. Often, they also have a helping profession - a doctor, a teacher and educator, an employee of rescue services. But nowadays, the occupation no longer affects people's desire to join a humane and active community. For more and more people on Earth, the desire to help make our community a better place to live is becoming a strong motivating need. And there are so many volunteer opportunities around the world. It can be a business trip to educate street children in Bolivia or Thailand or cleaning the shores of Lake Baikal or the nearest shore of a water body to one's residence. And, of course, helping abandoned animals, lonely hospice patients, and residents of a nursing home or orphanage always remains an important task. All of them need not only heartwarming gifts and cards for holidays but also direct communication. And this, of course, will require time from volunteers. 

But what to do if you don't have such an opportunity yet, but you need to be helpful and involved in such human participation?

We have a solution for you!

Join the team of our volunteers who help the most vulnerable and in danger - seriously ill children! You don't even have to leave home to help save the most precious thing - the lives of these children. The time you can help save their lives can be a matter of minutes! Especially if you are charged for luck! After all, your comment, like or repost can bring the story of one of these children to a genuine kind wizard! And all together - you and like-minded people - can help to ensure that fundraising for urgent surgeries and vital treatment is closed.

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