How to stay healthy: 10 main rules

24.07.2024 10:00

Today is Self-Care Day, which is celebrated worldwide. Its purpose is to remind people that maintaining good health requires constant self-care.

 Health is crucial for success. Those who aim to lead a healthy life can maintain good health even in old age. Here are the main rules for health and longevity:

 The first rule is healthy sleep. The sleep duration depends on individual needs; experts recommend at least 7 hours of sleep per day.

 The second rule is proper nutrition. According to doctors, it's best to avoid excessive consumption of carbohydrates and animal fats and instead, favour products rich in protein and fiber such as vegetables and fruits.

 The third rule is to take care of your heart. This involves following a proper diet and getting an annual ECG.

The fourth rule is to watch your weight. Overweight is the enemy of health.

The fifth rule is to harden yourself and strengthen your immune system.

The sixth rule is “movement is life”. Move at least 30 minutes a day.

The seventh rule is for workaholics. If you stay up late and take your work home, this can lead to constant tension and stress. To stay healthy, it's important to normalise your work schedule.

The eighth rule is to visit the doctor regularly. Many diseases are curable if they are diagnosed in time.

The ninth rule is related to smoking. According to experts, smoking shortens life by more than 10 years. Get rid of this bad habit.

The tenth rule is to remember to be happy, enjoy life, and laugh. Take care of your emotional health!

Health is a priceless gift. Take care of yourself, and be healthy!

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