7 November is the Day of History and Memory of Ancestors in Kyrgyzstan

07.11.2023 09:14

It is a young but significant holiday because only by honouring ancestors and knowing their history people can confidently go into the future and expect that the coming times and eras will be favourable and new generations will continue to work for the prosperity of their native country and become its pride, preserving the spirit of wisdom and nobility of former times!

We have been celebrating Ancestors' Day since 2017, but many residents of the Republic have grown fond of it as if it were a long-standing and familiar holiday. After all, who does not cherish his ancestors and does not love his elders and relatives? There are probably no such people in our region. Respect has been inscribed in the national character through the centuries. 

Until the early 1990s, 7 November was associated with revolutionary events and was called "the red day of the calendar". It was celebrated with a military parade and a workers' demonstration in the central square. But now, it is acquiring a different sound and meaning. It is a holiday about the power and wisdom of the unbreakable chain of generations, about the times and events that united the native land and its people! And, happily, this holiday has become an annual event in our land! 

Just think about it. To be born, we need: 

2 parents, 

4 grandparents, 

8 great-grandparents, 

16 great-great-grandparents, 

32 tetra-grandparents, 

64 penta grandparents, 

128 hexa grandparents, 

256 Hepta grandparents, 

512 octa grandparents, 

1024 nona grandparents. 

2048 deca grandparents. 

You need 4096 ancestors from the last 11 generations, all about 300 years before you and I were born! How many destinies, characters? We feel gratitude and love for all of our ancestors because each one of them is in us! Imagine the strength behind each of us.
Bright memory to all our ancestors, and good health and happiness to our loved ones! Happy holiday!

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