Omina is hanging on by dry chemistry! Only BMT can save her!

29.07.2024 11:00

Today we share news about our ward Omina! She is having a tough time! The girl is fighting two types of cancer at once! It is too hard for a child's body. Omina was again tested for MOB. The results showed that the girl was still in remission. However, the test results for the genetic breakdown are not yet available. The girl's mum is in constant fear of a relapse from which only BMT will save her! Meanwhile, her daughter takes only dry chemistry in tablets, vitamins and calcium. The pain in her legs bothers her a lot. 

Omina Abdukayymova

Diagnosis: Biphenotypic leukaemia (2 types of cancer: AML and ALL).

Needed: Bone marrow transplantation in Emsey Clinic (Turkey)

Collected: $4,422

Needed: 10 200 $ 

Younger sister Muslima came to Omina from Jalal-Abad. However, Omina's joy was short-lived. During her treatment, Omina underwent significant changes. Previously an active, cheerful child who enjoyed school and playing with friends, she had become indifferent and withdrawn. The girl lacked the energy to even play with her beloved sister. Their mother, Dilafruz, is deeply concerned about Muslima's condition, saying, "She walks, does something, and immediately lies down. She has no energy for anything." The girls spend most of their time in rented accommodation, occasionally reading or watching cartoons.

You can help this poor girl by bringing BMT closer to her. Will her body have enough strength to stay in remission on tablets alone? The risk of another cancer attack is too great! Let's give a helping hand to the poor cancer child together! Your generosity can make a miracle, and save a child's life! And it will not go unnoticed by the Almighty, because He will perform this miracle with your hands!

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