Send help to Sun of hope PF!
13.08.2024 13:36
The girl, who fought with her last strength against acute leukaemia, received a blow from which she will only be able to recover with our emergency support!
The other day, Omina and her mum were supposed to fly to Emsey Clinic in Turkey for urgent treatment. However, Omina felt very ill and had to give up the tickets. She has been in the children's oncology department at the National Centre for Maternity and Childhood Protection, where she has been unable to eat experiencing vomiting and headaches. Urgent CT scans have revealed distressing results, which a subsequent CT scan has confirmed. Every day of delay in receiving treatment could significantly impact Omina's health.
Our fundraising efforts didn't have enough time to get ahead of the insidiousness of cancer. Now, things have become even more complex, but we still have hope that we can save Omina.
Once the girl's condition stabilises, she and her mother will attempt to pursue treatment followed by a transplant.
Omina has neuroleukaemia, a complication of leukaemia that is only curable in its early stages.
The girl was brought into remission by doctors after battling with double cancer. While waiting for the fundraising for bone marrow transplantation to conclude, the girl unfortunately went out of remission. The CT scan and the girl's symptoms, including headaches, nausea, vomiting, and convulsions, indicate a severe complication of leukaemia - neuroleukemia.
Neuroleukemia is a complication of leukaemia in which blast cells infiltrate the structures of the nervous system. The girl's condition is severe.
Time is of the essence! We need to raise funds for Omina's treatment quickly to outpace the aggressive cancer. Any help will make a difference in saving her life!
Please help Omina - no one else can save her.
Please help us save our son! Sultanchik is very sweet, and he will be eternally grateful for your kindness, as will we. Don't let us lose him; we love him so much! Unfortunately, we can't save him without your support." Dilnaz, Sultan's mum.
Read more ...Time is of the essence, and it is our responsibility as adults to take action! Every donation, repost in your Stories, or even a message to a friend could help save Elinochka.
Read more ...An unknown benefactor generously donated 50,000 soms for the treatment of little Elina, who is bravely battling blood cancer.
Read more ...Every three seconds, a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide. Sultan Stambekov, Head of the Department of Children's Oncology and Oncohaematology at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health, made this statement during a roundtable discussion on children's oncology.
Read more ...Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.
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