Omina got measles. She's surrendering to cancer. Please help!

22.02.2024 07:36

Omina is exhausted of hospital walls. The poor girl is depressed. She always had long hair, but now even her eyelashes are falling out. Omina doesn't want to look in the mirror anymore. But the scariest thing is that soon cancer will take her away if money for treatment is not raised! Help save Omina!

The disease came a few months ago with back pain and dizziness. Mum got a call from school as Omina was feeling unwell. Blood tests showed a low level of white blood cells. Treatment had no effect. It only got worse, and her muscles began to ache. Soon, Omina saw an oncologist. The bone marrow analysis showed terrible things: two types of leukaemia. Omina has undergone 2 out of 5 courses of chemotherapy and suffers from side effects. Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) is inevitable. However, it is only performed abroad, and the cost is enormous for the family.

Omina had measles. Due to the illness, the third course of chemotherapy was postponed. Now the measles is over, but the delay in treatment gives cancer points to win. The girl's weakened body is too easy a target for the terrible disease. Ominochka is already hanging on to the edge of life and has almost no strength left. Now, her tummy hurts a lot, and she can hardly eat. Omina is getting thin and withering before her eyes.

The third course of chemotherapy is ahead. Diagnostics of MOB (minimal residual disease) showed remnants of tumour cells' presence, but not many were left. The doctors say it is possible to go for  BMT after this course. After the course is over, further diagnostics will show this.

Now, Omina desperately needs your help in this challenging journey! Before the girl has not given up at all, and cancer has not won, help pay for treatment! Save Omina's life!

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