Congratulations to all Muslims on the holiday!

16.06.2024 05:01

Today, Muslims worldwide celebrate a significant holiday - Eid al-Adha. In Kyrgyzstan, it's called "Kurman Ait," and in Kazakhstan, it's "Kurban Ait". Regardless of its name, this holiday unites believers, promotes mutual assistance, and fills hearts with compassion.

This holiday is about mercy, kindness, and love towards people. The celebration lasts several days and is considered a blessed time to visit relatives and friends. The main ritual of the day is the slaughter of a sacrificial animal for the sake of the Almighty. The tradition of sacrifice goes back to the distant past. According to legend, one day, the angel Jabrail appeared to Ibrahim in a dream and conveyed Allah's command to sacrifice his son Ismail. Despite his distress, the Prophet came to the valley of Mina with his son. Both treated Allah's command as a test of devotion. When everything was ready for the rite, the Almighty rewarded the Prophet for his faith and accepted a ram as a sacrifice instead of the boy.

With this tradition, Muslims show their readiness for selflessness for good causes. We hope that Allah accepts your prayers. May your families be filled with happiness, peace, tranquillity, and prosperity!

We appreciate your donations for our beneficiaries' treatment on the occasion of the holiday. You have given them hope for healing and faith! Allah Almighty commands us to take care of the needy. Thank you for being faithful to His commandments!

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