Sherzod Muratzhanov: “Thank you for your help!”

16.12.2022 07:54

Sherzod from the Batken region is only 3 years old - the time of active exploration of the world and fun games. Unfortunately, he has been spending all his days in the hospital since March this year. The illness initially thought to be a cold, turned out to be fatal - Sherzod has acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and the boy is at high risk. He is now undergoing high-dose chemotherapy at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. The body is fighting to the limit: blood counts often drop, and transfusions must be given.


Sherzod perseveres and does not lose heart. He has already made friends in the hospital. As soon as he gets his strength back, he runs to play with them. He says that he has a lot of strength and will soon be able to defeat this villain to quickly go to his grandparents and sisters.


To adapt the treatment plan, the boy needed expensive diagnostics. As part of the charity initiative "For the sake of life", we helped Sherzod to pass the examination in time. We hope that soon his dream will come true and he will be able to return home. He misses his relatives, their traditions and their toys. After all, they lived together so well. He loved to play with his sisters, on his mother cooked the most delicious pilaf in the world at weekends, and the whole family gathered at the same table. He thought it would always be like this! But the illness divided their lives into a before and an after.


We wish Sherzod a speedy recovery and the fulfilment of all their wishes. May all hardships disappear. Much strength, happiness and sudden pleasant miracles!


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