Today is World Day Against Pain

11.10.2023 12:18

Do not self-medicate, stay healthy! 

 Every person faces pain from time to time, but we do not always seek immediate help. Often we try to treat the pain ourselves with over-the-counter medicines available in pharmacies. To help us understand this diversity, on World Day Against Pain, we asked a few questions to Lola Mukhudinovna Normatova, Head and Family Doctor of the Family Medicine Centre 4. 

 - When can pain be tolerated and when not?   

- To begin with, let's clarify - what is pain? Pain is an unpleasant or excruciating sensation, the experience of physiological or emotional suffering, a protective signal of true or perceived tissue damage, or psychological well-being, and can be caused by a violation of the central nervous system. It is one of the symptoms of several diseases. There are several types of pain: acute, chronic, somatic (usually occurs in tendons, joints in injuries and severe physical exertion), internal (arises from internal organs of the body), and phantom pain (the sensation of pain occurs in the lost limb). In a word, pain is a stress that affects the work of all internal systems of our body, depressing the psycho-emotional state of a person and threatening his life. Pain should not be tolerated! 

 - What painkillers do you advise to keep in your home medicine kit? 

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications: Citramon, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen.  

In general, painkillers are divided into narcotic and non-narcotic. The first group has a central action on the brain and a strong effect, has many adverse reactions and the risk of addiction. Therefore, they are prescribed strictly by prescription for intense pain syndrome, and each dose is strictly controlled. For example, in oncology. Narcotic analgesics include phenanthrene derivatives (morphine, codeine) and piperidine derivatives (promedol, fentanyl).

It is important to remember, that pain is a symptom of a certain disease. These drugs only relieve pain, but do not cure it. Today, we have various analgesic pills, injections, and ointments. They differ in composition and active substances, so it is crucial to choose the right drug. It is not necessary to self-medicate or tolerate pain but better to contact the doctor in time and not to neglect the disease. 

Friends, do not underestimate pain - pain syndrome without treatment can lead to the most unexpected consequences. Stay healthy!

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