On Uncle and Auntie's Day, please support little Zhanna!

26.07.2024 10:00

26 July is Uncle and Aunt Day. And today we want to thank all uncles and aunts of all ages for the bright colours of childhood and their role in the lives of their little loved ones! May all families be big and friendly, and childhood memories be joyful!

How important is it for parents to receive help when they learn of their child's devastating cancer diagnosis? The parents' entire world is shattered, and their lives are turned upside down. It can be terrifying to be left alone in the battle for the life of the most precious person in the world. However, our young patients have incredibly loving aunts, and today we will share their stories with you.

Amir Mirbekov's aunt, Dilbara, accompanied the baby to Turkey for BMT when Amir's parents learned of the terrible diagnosis. While Amir's parents went to work, Dilbara comforted the baby during difficult times, held his hand after the BMT, and, with her help and sleepless nights by the nephew's bedside, ensured that Amir returned home in remission under her careful supervision.

Akhmet Omurbekov's aunt, Eliza, has been in touch with us since the fundraising began. She shared news about the baby and looked for ways to help in every possible way. She encouraged Akhmet's tired and desperate mum, not giving up till the very end and being ready to fight till the end. Unfortunately, fate decided another way and little Ahmet was gone. Now Eliza cannot pass by other people's misfortune and continues to help seriously ill children.

Zhanna's aunt, Tatuugul, approached us at the Foundation for help for her little niece. She sent all the documents and asked us to help the little girl, as the cost of treatment followed by BMT is unaffordable. The photo shows Tatuugul with Zhanna. Zhanna's entire family is praying for the little girl's recovery. But without your help, they will not be able to manage. On this wonderful day, we ask you to support Zhanna's fundraising and help her undergo a life-saving bone marrow transplant."

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