
Happy birthday, Amir. We wish you strong health!
01 Jul 11:44

Today is the 5th birthday of our beneficiary, Amir. We want to wish him a happy birthday and a childhood full of joy and good health!

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A sad birthday. Bring hope to Danis!
21 Jun 08:21

Danis is 7 years old today. And this is the third birthday spent in the hospital room. He can't be happy. Danis is very sick and can't even eat. After the...

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Baby Zhanna nearly died during the chemo session
20 Jun 05:57

During a very recent chemotherapy, conducted on 12 June, the girl almost died when she had already been injected with the medicine and started to transfuse...

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Can Omina's body withstand another chemo? PLEASE HELP!
19 Jun 10:53

Omina had a hard time finishing her last chemotherapy protocol. She was feverish up to 41°, vomiting, and her body was covered with scary dark spots! Next...

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After a course of chemotherapy, Ayazhan was diagnosed with pneumonia!
18 Jun 05:30

Ayazhan was running a fever, and her mood was very low. She couldn't eat anything. Her mother shed tears looking at the poor child who had suffered so much.

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Congratulations to all Muslims on the holiday!
16 Jun 05:01

Today, Muslims worldwide celebrate a significant holiday - Eid al-Adha. In Kyrgyzstan, it's called "Kurman Ait," and in Kazakhstan, it's "Kurban Ait"....

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Children are waiting for your help on Donor Day!
14 Jun 09:57

Today is the holiday of those people upon whom the lives of others depend. And these people are not even doctors or lifeguards. Today is World Donor Day!...

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A donor has been found for Zhanna! We don't have time for fundraising anymore. Rescue Zhanna from cancer!
13 Jun 14:33

Due to her negative Rh factor, finding a suitable donor for a bone marrow transplant is challenging, and the global search might take too long. However, they...

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The School of Kindness: How can we instil a sense of mercy in children?
12 Jun 07:53

Today, Dina Makarenko, the director of the Sun of Hope Charity Foundation, shares the story of Gymnasium No. 26. The students from this school are actively...

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Emergency Alert! Danis' condition after the transplant is critical!
11 Jun 07:56

After the initial bone marrow transplantation, Danechka requires continuous medical monitoring due to complications. He has been unable to eat for over ten...

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The fundraising of Imran Buranov is closed. Asadiya helped Imran!
10 Jun 10:59

Thank you for giving Imranchik hope for a healthy life! In such challenging times, experiencing human compassion and willingness to assist is particularly...

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We purchased chemo medications for Omina through the Time to Help project
07 Jun 05:29

We would love to say that Omina's treatment is completed, and she is healthy and has returned home, but we can’t. We are still in the process of fundraising,...

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"Sun of Hope" brings smiles to children and gives them the strength to fight
06 Jun 14:25

Last week, on the eve of International Children's Day, Dina Makarenko, director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, visited the children's oncology department of...

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New Fundraising Alert: Little Zhanna's battle with a dangerous cancer. Please help!
05 Jun 05:16

Little Zhanna is only 3 years old, and instead of enjoying a happy childhood, she is facing terrible pain - acute lymphoblastic leukaemia has confined her to...

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Omina needs to undergo a bone marrow transplant urgently
04 Jun 14:38

We've received some breaking news from Omina. The results of the MRD test have arrived. The little girl has managed to go into remission immediately after...

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On her eleventh birthday, Ayazhan made a LIFE wish!
03 Jun 14:04

Ayazhan reflected on how cancer had intruded into her life on her 10th birthday, marking a year of struggle for her and her family.

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‘Time to help!’ - is a motto that is important to remember on Children's Day!
01 Jun 05:34

Dear friends, followers, volunteers and benefactors! We are happy to have you with us! It gives all of us strength and motivation to continue to serve the...

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Urgent! Imran's getting back on his feet! Support him!
31 May 14:27

Please help Mum to put her son on his feet and help Imranchik to avoid a wheelchair.

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It's ‘Time to Help’ permanently.
30 May 13:22

Today, Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, is sharing her story about how the idea to create the ‘Time to Help’ programme came about.

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Happy birthday, lovely Ayazhan!
29 May 10:26

Support the fundraising for the girl's treatment at the Seoul clinic on her birthday. Let's help Ayazhan conquer all peaks!

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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