
Let's declare today, Wednesday, as the Day of Good Deeds
06 Mar 05:33

Friends! Today, we invite you to join us in saving children's lives. It's a simple yet beautiful act of kindness!

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Alarming news about Ayazhan. She has a fever of 40 °C
05 Mar 14:38

Ayazhan had a high fever of 40 degrees and was immediately taken to the emergency department. Doctors say it was due to very low blood counts after the last...

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The story of “Sun of Hope”: the beginning of the journey
04 Mar 15:10

It's been over 1.5 years since the foundation was established, and although it's not a long time, sometimes you want to reflect on how it all began.

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Thank you to everyone who stood up for Aylin in the battle against Leukemia!
01 Mar 15:17

We are grateful that you did not abandon the little girl and extended your helping hands! Endless thank you for your kindness and support!

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1 March is the Thanksgiving Day in Kazakhstan!
01 Mar 11:19

On a day that marks the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature, we would like to launch a positive campaign to help save the life of a young girl...

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Danis is burning up with cancer. His treatment is failing. No money left!
29 Feb 15:26

The case is urgent. The boy in a foreign country is in danger of being left on the street without treatment. Preparations for a life-saving bone marrow...

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The psychologist's advice: How can a child's love of learning be encouraged?
29 Feb 10:29

Every parent aspires to cultivate in their children a passion for education. It will help the child find their life's work. Children need to enjoy learning...

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We donated some medicine to the National Centre
28 Feb 06:50

The hospital is in constant need of antibiotics Amikacin, Cefzon S and infusion systems. Thank you to all who consistently support our fundraising efforts....

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Aylin is crying! Cancer has put her in the hospital again. Help!
27 Feb 11:15

She has recently finished her third course of chemotherapy and has been released home for 15 long-awaited days to gain strength for the next course. But to...

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New Fundraising Alert: Radik has a high risk of developing fatal health issues if he catches any viruses, bacteria, or fungi.
26 Feb 12:18

When Radik's mother saw him for the first time, she was proud and thought, "Is this really my son? He is a true champion!" However, a few days later, she...

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Tips from a psychologist: How to handle a situation when a child lies.
24 Feb 06:36

The topic of lying is a fascinating one. It's a fact that everyone lies to some extent. We often tell small lies in our daily lives, such as asking a family...

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Danis Khamidov would like to congratulate all the men on their special day!
23 Feb 05:28

23 February is now a national holiday that embodies strength of spirit and courage. This holiday has become a symbol of nobility, courage, and the...

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Omina got measles. She's surrendering to cancer. Please help!
22 Feb 07:36

Omina is exhausted of hospital walls. The poor girl is depressed. She always had long hair, but now even her eyelashes are falling out. Omina doesn't want to...

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Happy International Mother Tongue Day!
21 Feb 13:00

We are an international foundation that believes that all children in the world are the same. We work together to save children's lives because we know that...

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Asadia's parents are grateful for your help!
20 Feb 12:34

Thank you all for helping the little girl Asadoni, who is suffering and wants to live so much!

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Cancer wants to take away the main role in the girl's life!
19 Feb 12:19

Ayazhan has always been a cheerful and sociable person who enjoys taking part in various activities. She is skilled at drawing and sewing and also has a...

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15 February - International Childhood Cancer Day
15 Feb 04:51

Every day, we speak about children's oncology. Today, we would like to discuss the alarming statistics that highlight the pressing nature of the issue. ...

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A day when hearts are opened!
14 Feb 09:36

Friends! Today is Valentine's Day celebrated worldwide. Many young people propose on this day, and spouses reminisce on their early dating days.

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Psychologist’s advice about how not to raise a child as a selfish person
12 Feb 08:05

In the race for new achievements, we forget some crucial issues that make children happy and childhood joyful. How to keep the balance? How to avoid losing...

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"Time to help" critically ill children in the oncology department
06 Feb 13:25

Our precious supporters, the young patients of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health, need help regularly. Often, doctors have to adjust the...

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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