Baby Zhanna nearly died during the chemo session

20.06.2024 05:57

During a very recent chemotherapy, conducted on 12 June, the girl almost died when she had already been injected with the medicine and started to transfuse platelets. "I'm always by her side, trying to keep her busy, making sure everything is normal. But three minutes after the platelet injection started, Zhanna said she felt very nauseous. Then her lips and nose started to turn blue and she started to choke. In the end, my little girl was barely saved," says the little girl's mother through tears. After such a terrible reaction to chemotherapy, Zhannochka is in the ward. She still has a fever and no appetite, the girl is very weak. 

Please help the little girl, who is trying her best to resist cancer!

Little Zhanna has lost interest in life since February. The poor little girl is fighting with her last efforts against the cruel blood cancer. After chemotherapy at home, which did not lead to the desired remission, the girl was treated in a Turkish clinic. There, she underwent high-dose chemotherapy. Zhannochka endured them very hard, lost her appetite, and had an allergic reaction in the form of blue spots on her face. But all this was not in vain! The girl went into remission, and now she needs an urgent bone marrow transplant. 

A donor for Zhanna has already been found! It is just a miracle that with such a rare blood group with a negative Rh factor when neither the parents nor siblings of the girl were suitable for donation. And now an urgent fundraising has been launched. The donor will prepare for transplantation only after the full payment of the bill for BMT (bone marrow transplantation)! Will they not save the poor little girl? 

Zhanna's mother believes that for the sake of the Almighty, there will be kind people who will help to save her dying daughter from cancer. Become the hands of God! Extend them to save the seriously ill girl! After all, God has no other hands but ours!

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