Omina continues to be at high risk of relapse. Please help!

09.07.2024 15:19

Omina has two types of cancer, and the doctors have to use the most powerful medication in her treatment. As a result, her body is working at its limit and balancing on the edge. We are always anxiously awaiting news from her. Omina needs a bone marrow transplant now. However, the clinic can't activate this expensive treatment without payment. It's a desperate situation. We are letting little Omina down, who is at risk of not getting help. 

Update from Mom: Omina continues to be at high risk of relapse. Please help to keep the treatment going!

"The side effects from the last chemotherapy have finally receded. Omina is feeling much better, but her skin is still not fully recovered: it is dull, darkened, and very dry. We have finally been allowed to return to our rented accommodation, which Omina had been eagerly anticipating. Her mood improved as soon as we left the hospital, although she was exhausted. We miss our family and relatives, who are eager to visit Omina, but she can't receive visitors due to the risk of infection. Omina's body is still fragile, but being out of the hospital has significantly improved her mood. In our rented flat, she reads fairy tales, builds things, and watches cartoons. Her appetite has finally improved, and she has started to eat a bit, although I am very anxious that she has lost a lot of weight. On Monday, Omina had a DNA test which showed a break in the 10th chromosome, causing her severe disease. The doctors say it's dangerous to postpone the transplant, but we don't have the money for it. Please help us!" - writes Dilafruz, Omina's mother.

The cancer cells have been suppressed for now, and there is a small window of opportunity for a bone marrow transplant. Omina has a complicated case with double cancer, so the risk of recurrence is very high. Let's join forces to help Omina beat this deadly disease!

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