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Happy Birthday, Imranchik! Be healthy and happy!

16.07.2024 11:40

Today, our little hero Imran turns 4 years old. We wish him good health, courage, wonderful adventures, hobbies, loyal friends, and a happy childhood.

Imran was born prematurely during the peak of the pandemic. His mother suffered from the virus before giving birth. From that moment, Imran faced challenges. Immediately after birth, he was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit as he did not cry and appeared blue. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, delayed psychomotor and speech development, alternative esotropia, and convergent strabismus (hyperfunction of the inferior oblique muscle).

Mum and son didn't give up. From the very beginning, they fought for a healthy future. Imran received treatment in several hospitals, offering hope for an independent life. The boy needs an operation to improve muscle function and nerve points in the brain. The operation was costly, so Imran's mother turned to our foundation for help. Thankfully, we managed to raise the necessary funds quickly. We are grateful to all the fundraising participants and Asadiya's parents who covered the remaining amount. You gave Imran the best gift for his 4th birthday - a chance to recover.

"Imran is doing well. He recently underwent botulinum therapy and spent a few days in the hospital. Both of his legs were put in plaster casts for a fortnight. The casts have now been removed, and Imran is undergoing a rehabilitation course in preparation for the main operation. We are extremely grateful to everybody who has supported us in getting Imran closer to a healthy life. We plan to take Imran to the park and have lunch at his favourite cafe on his birthday. We appreciate all the congratulations and words of support. Your kindness has been the best gift for Imran, and we will never forget it." - Words of gratitude from Aziza, Imran's mother.

Once again we congratulate Imran on his birthday! We wish him the fulfilment of all his wishes, easy surgery and quick recovery. Be healthy and happy, our little hero!

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