The fundraising of Imran Buranov is closed. Asadiya helped Imran!

10.06.2024 10:59

We have fantastic news - the fundraising for Imran Buranov's treatment is closed. Parents of Asadiya Makhanova came to the aid of little Imranchik. We were raising funds for Asadiya's treatment at Severance Clinic in Seoul, South Korea. Fortunately, Asadiya's parents decided to close the fundraising campaign and use the excess funds for her treatment. We are sincerely grateful for their generosity and kindness. No matter how strong a person is, facing challenges alone can be overwhelming, but the support of friends can help overcome adversity. We thank all our supporters and parents of our beneficiary children for staying on the side of goodness and supporting each other, providing a helping shoulder in difficult times!

Baby Imran was born prematurely. Unfortunately, the problems did not end there. From the first days of his life, he has struggled with many diagnoses: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, delayed psychomotor and speech development, alternative esotropia, and strabismus. Despite the challenges, Imran's mom and the baby remain determined to achieve a healthy life.

Imran needed an operation to improve the function of his muscles and nerve points in the brain. The cost was beyond the family's means, so they sought help from our foundation. Thanks to the generosity of Asadiya's parents, they were able to raise the necessary funds quickly.

Thank you for giving Imranchik hope for a healthy life! In such challenging times, experiencing human compassion and willingness to assist is particularly valuable. Peace and goodness to you, caring people!

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