Ali Turatbekov

Thanks to your support the child is already 9 years year old

Diagnosis: Cancer. Osteogenic sarcoma of the lower third of the femur on the left

Needed: Children's wheelchair


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Ali Turatbekov is 8 years old. He is a very intelligent and quiet boy. If it were not for the disease, Ali would be in the second grade. But in December 2021, the boy injured his leg, got a cast and had to stay at home for a month. The cast was removed, and it seemed that the injury had been overcome, but the pain kept recurring. In April, an X-ray was taken. The doctor found nothing serious and reassured the mother that everything would be over in a few months. But the boy was not getting better, limping more and more every day. When a bump appeared on his leg, his mother raised the alarm.

"We turned to the regional hospital, which took an X-ray and sent us to Bishkek for examination. They first sent us to Jalska Hospital, the National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare, to the surgical department. Osteomyelitis was suspected. A fine-needle aspiration was performed, the results of which revealed nothing.

In this context, we were sent for an interview with an oncologist. They were referred to the Department of Paediatric Oncology at the National Medical Centre for further treatment. The next day we did a CT scan of the leg and lungs. The signs were very bad. A biopsy was performed. The analyses were sent to the histology centre. Within a week came the terrible result: a malignant hemangiopericytoma. Chemotherapy was started immediately. We did not want to believe in this terrible diagnosis. We sent the histological analysis to Moscow, the result came after 14 days: malignant tumour, osteogenic sarcoma in the lower third of the left thigh. That's when we started chemotherapy, and our life began in the hospital," Ali's mother says.

The boy endured the treatment very hard. He was constantly nauseous, vomiting and had constant headaches. The indicators were falling. But the mother never gave up, always believed and tried to encourage her son. She is not used to giving up. The woman is raising three children by herself. Despite the difficulties, she is ready to fight for her son. Unfortunately, they could not save Ali's leg. The woman decided to do anything to return her son's desire to live. She turned to us for help in purchasing a wheelchair. We couldn't get past her trouble. As part of the "For Life" charity, they helped buy a wheelchair.

Thank you to everyone who supports systemic charity and donates funds to develop our projects. Every donation you make goes to help children in need. You gave little Ali movement!

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