Kamila Zhanyshova

Thanks to your support the child is already 3 years year old

Diagnosis: Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Needed: Examination in the neurological centre "Cortex"


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Yippee! One more child is warmed by the "Sun of Hope"! 

We helped little Kamila Zhanyshova undergo an MRI and CT scan at the Cortex Neurological Centre. Thank you to everyone who supports our charitable activities. 

It is scary to remember how much suffering her rare disease caused this little girl. Even the 24 chemistries she underwent do not seem terrible because they returned her health, while mono systemic histiocytosis only took away everything, including her nails and teeth! The girl's mum thoroughly follows all the doctors' recommendations so that her daughter can live a long and happy life. And we are the helpers, without which they could not cope alone. After all, they must undergo such examinations every three months to ensure that the treatment is correct and that the girl's organism accepts it. 

With your support, Kamila completed this check-up again! Even a small contribution and help can be decisive in the fate of our beneficiaries. After all, the funds are collected to pay for vital check-ups, consultations and treatment. The urgency of such appointments determines the setting of the navigator for further treatment. May it not fail! And you - well done! And let your life navigators - kind hearts and active actions that save the most valuable thing - children's lives - not let you down.

Thank you!

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