Kostya Belyansky

Thanks to your support the child is already 7 years year old

Diagnosis: Cancer. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the right lower leg

Needed: Treatment at the International Centre of Severance Hospital, Seoul, South Korea


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Thank you for not abandoning Kostya and giving him hope for recovery! Sometimes people get upset that they can't buy an expensive car or a beautiful thing. But nothing is more precious than the time of life. Cancer has been trying to take it away from Kostya for three years. And today, we thank you for not passing by his story.

One day, Kostya felt pain in his leg. But nobody could help him. The disease was hidden and looked like a harmless injury. The tumour was discovered only later: an ultrasound scan of the lower leg showed irreversible changes. Unfortunately, the disease was already advanced..... Mum was told it was high-risk alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the right tibia, stage 4. Kostya was treated in the NN Blokhin NMRCO (Moscow). But there was a relapse! Mum was crying, the boy, always so active, calm and cheerful, was in pain.

There were new blocks of chemotherapy. Only because of the missed disease and the aggressive development of the tumour, and the doctors at home could not help. They agreed to save the child in South Korea, but his mother could not afford to pay the price of Kostya's life. She sold her property, but it was still not enough. 

The treatment was progressing. Radiation therapy left terrible burns. Everything was in desperate pain... Now the boy's leg is bent at 40 degrees. He clings to life with his little hands, keeps fighting and can't walk on two legs. But no matter what, Kostya has not given up! 

Thank you for helping sweet and kind Kostya to pay for his treatment! It is efficient and should continue because it saves the child's life! 

We wish this lovely boy to win and live a most active and happy life!

They need help