Madina Rakhmanova

Thanks to your support the child is already 7 years year old

Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (blood cancer), relapse

Needed: Diagnosis of MRD (minimal residual disease)


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Time always plays against cancer patients. Madina was in the same critical situation. But you did the impossible again, closed the fundraising on time, and came to the girl's aid in a difficult time. THANK YOU!

Madina from the Suzak district of the Jalal-Abad region is now undergoing treatment in the oncology department of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. When she was one year old, she fell ill with flu, coughing, weakness and pale skin. The parents decided to seek help at the hospital. At the examination, doctors saw an enlarged liver, suspected oncology and sent her to Bishkek for diagnosis at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. 

Madina was treated in the hospital for a whole year, and after achieving remission, the doctors let the girl go home. The remission lasted 4 years. Madina managed to recover and went to the 1st class. But she had time to study only for a month, and after her right eye injury, swelling appeared. The school had to be postponed. Her parents immediately turned to the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health.

The examinations confirmed the worst fear - the relapse. The cancer returned as myeloid sarcoma with soft tissue lesions in the right orbit of the eye. This time, a rare malignant tumour struck Madina. The girl has been in hospital for a year and is on the mend. The next stage Needed for cure is the diagnosis of minimal residual disease (MRD). It shows even a small number of tumour cells that can cause a recurrence. Now it is crucial to rule out the presence of cancer cells. However, the test is expensive, and the parents cannot pay for it. They turned to us for help. Thank you to everyone who did not pass by Madina's story. Together, we raised the needed money in a couple of weeks. Friends, this is our victory, and one more child has received life-saving help.

Thank you for supporting our new "Time to Help" project. It's time to take action and help. Thank you for walking with us towards a healthy future for our children!

They need help