Nurmukhammed Sabyrkulov

Thanks to your support the child is already 4 years year old

Diagnosis: Cancer. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

Needed: Срочная закупка препарата Аспаргиназа


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Nurmukhamed Sabyrkulov's mum appealed to our charity fund for help: "I want him to recover! I appealed to you for help because we don't have enough money to buy Asparginase, a vital medicine for my son. It is just a cry of the soul!"

We could help Nurmuhamed only with your help!

Janyl's son Nurmuhamed was born on 6 February 2020. When he was 2 years and 9 months old, the child fell ill with chicken pox. Due to this viral infection, his white blood cells went up. After a week, his legs failed, and he couldn’t walk. The baby had tests taken, which showed blast cells. His mother and Nurmukhamed immediately visited the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. There, the boy was diagnosed with acute leukaemia in the high-risk group. Now, the little boy is undergoing a course of high-dose chemotherapy!

Even in the hospital where they stayed for the first few months after chemotherapy, Nurmuhamed danced. He remains a very cheerful child. His dad, sister and two brothers are looking forward to seeing him at home!

Thanks to your efforts and help to Nurmuhamed, the "Suns of Hope" Foundation raised the necessary amount of money to buy an anti-tumour drug enzyme, which is crucial for ALL. It happened under the "For Life" programme, created to provide free assistance and social support to children with severe and life-threatening diseases!

We are very grateful to you for your participation in the fate of the little child and your help in his treatment! It is our mutual small victory! And it can contribute a lot to the baby on the way to his major victory - his final recovery! One more time, many thanks from Nurmuhamed's mum! Today, their Sun of Hope shone with new, joyful colours!

They need help