Let's keep our fingers crossed for Nurlan! He's on his way to surgery!

18.03.2024 14:06

Little Nurlan has already turned 4 years old! And these years have been an endless struggle for life. His poor heart was rescued immediately after birth and then at six months of age. By the age of 3.5, the boy had undergone three open-heart surgeries. But that didn't make his heart healthy.

Friends! We're keeping our fingers crossed for Nurlan! He's on his way to the surgery!

Cyanosis of extremities due to insufficient blood supply, interruptions in the heartbeat itself - all this made the boy's mum keep an eye on him, listen to his breathing and persuade him to take handfuls of pills strictly on schedule. But it turned out that the baby's heart could be rescued. However, he must go to the Berlin clinic for surgery. This life-saving surgery costs a lot of money, which the boy's family could not raise on their own. 

And this is where our helpers came to the rescue. With the help of sympathetic and kind people, we collected the amount needed for Nurlanchik's operation! They started to prepare the boy for his trip to the Charité clinic. Nurlan spent his birthday in preparation for the main upcoming event in his life. The main wish, made by all the relatives gathered at his birthday party, was, of course, for the baby's heart to become healthy and strong. And now, the cherished surgery is getting closer. All the nearest time Nurlan's mum was fundraising the documents Needed for the saving trip. Finally, visas are received, and all the necessary certificates and examinations are in their hands too. To understand what is going on in the soul of the boy's mum can only those who understand what a daily threat to the life of the most dear, beloved and helpless person is. 

We can only keep our fingers crossed for this wonderful baby and believe that all will go well. Nurlanchik will come back with a healthy heart and will be able to feel a happy, active, full-fledged child who can also run, jump, ride a bicycle, and go to kindergarten. May it all work out! 

Have a safe journey, baby. We wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing you home! Thank you to everyone who did this great job!

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