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Good news! Nurlan Latypov's fundraising is now closed

05.10.2023 10:00

Nurlan's story united an incredible number of people - by joint efforts the fundraising is closed. Dear donors, you are amazing, thanks to you Nurlan will get his long-awaited chance to defeat a painful disease!  At the parents' request, we are closing the fundraising. All collected funds will be transferred to the account of the clinic where Nurlan will undergo the final operation on his heart. The baby faces the last stage of correction of the heart defect. We wish him good luck and good health!  We wish him good luck and good health! The family would like to thank everyone who made this life-saving operation possible. 

Latypov Nurlan, 3 years old

Diagnosis: CHD. Double branching of the main vessels from the right ventricle.

Needed: Heart surgery in the clinic "Charité", Berlin

Fundraising is closed. 

Heart defects and anomalies have been with Nurlan his whole life, since the moment he was born. After birth, it was only by a miracle that his tiny heart did not stop. Doctors operated on it almost immediately. Then at the age of 6 months, the poor baby underwent another operation. Little Nurlan is now 3.5 years old. For such a short period, he has undergone 3 heaviest open heart surgeries. So far his life is medication by the hour and inability to even walk much. His legs and arms are getting cold, his lips are turning blue and his mum is endlessly scared time and time again. But thanks to your kind hearts, soon everything will change for him and his heart will beat without fear and pain!

We believe and expect that the cruel disease will be a thing of the past forever, and brave little Nurlan will come home with victory! A marvellous boy is in our hearts, and we are happy that we were able to help him overcome the most challenging stage in his life and go towards a healthy and kind childhood and a wonderful future! Nurlan, you are a real lion, many victories, even more courage and strength and only successes lie ahead of you!

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