From Heart to Heart

29.09.2023 10:59

From Heart to Heart - on International Heart Day, give your help to little Nurlan

The event was first organised in 1999 on the World Heart Federation (WHF) initiative. This action was supported by the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNESCO and other significant organisations. The Day aims to raise public awareness of the danger caused by the epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in the world and to initiate comprehensive preventive measures against coronary artery disease and brain stroke in all population groups. World Heart Day is organised under the motto "Heart for Life".

Cardiovascular disease is now the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, claiming more than 18 million lives annually.

There are some universal recommendations to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease:

- watch your diet;

- exercise regularly;

- get enough sleep - a healthy sleep lasts 6-8 hours;

- give up bad habits;

- learn to cope with stress.

Unfortunately, sometimes a child is already born with a heart condition. For example, our little beneficiary Nurlan Latypov had already drawn this ticket before his birth.

A congenital heart defect is poisoning his life, and because of the dangerous disease, all the organs work under great strain. The baby needs an operation, but it costs a lot of money. Let's give the warmth of our hearts to Nurlan, who dreams of recovery, on this beautiful day!

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