"Hello, school!" Agathe is so excited about the classes and the school!

31.08.2023 13:38

According to Spanish law, at the age of 6, a child has to attend school... Agathe will not be burdened too much, because everyone understands what a child with cancer is like. All she needs for school is a backpack and some school supplies. The school is public and free of charge. The little girl reflects and dreams every day about what kind of school it will be, how beautiful it will be and how many friends she will have. She and her mother often saw through the fence what kind of schools there are and how cheerfully and friendly children play at breaks, and of course, saw proud schoolchildren in the buses, who went to school every day, dreaming of joining this happy school family. And now, as Agathe says: "I will also come to school with a backpack and lunchbox, and after school, I will tell you how the day went, but not just go to the hospital!".

How long the girl will stay in school, whether she will be able to finish it, whether she will have a future depends on us!

Now, the main event of September in the life of little Agathe, tormented by cancer, unfortunately, is not a festive school ceremony but an examination, after which the treatment should start and for which there is no money at all. If the treatment doesn't start, cancer will take Agathe away. That's the ultimatum the disease sets...

Agathe recalls home more and more often, names all her toys left in her playroom, and admits that she misses her bicycle. As well as her daughter, mum is exhausted too. Agathe spent half of her life fighting for life, and there were more hospital walls than children's playgrounds. She wants it to be the other way around, but there is no time to give up!

Time goes on and on, it is critically short, and fundraising is not going on. It is awful not to have time, it is terrifying that children's lives can cost so much, and there are no guarantees. Parents are ready to do anything to save their child if only there was no pain, but there was a smile on his face! They cry and ask for help... They have very little money, and no one will take Agathe for therapy with this amount. Mum has only to believe and pray that everything will be fine, and that Agathe will miraculously get a chance if this big amount is collected.

We wish Agathe a miracle! Let's help together to bring it closer!

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