Thank you to all the kind people who helped Agathe!

24.10.2023 13:54

Kind and sunny little Agathe wants to become a doctor to help other children who are going through the same pain as she is. The girl is fighting aggressive and fast cancer and knows how agonising it is. She has not given up, thanks to you, your help and your support. You gave her treatment, which means hope to get well and to help other children and animals! Agathe loves animals and waits for her cat Kuzya, rabbit Zaya, birds, dogs Dana and Laima to welcome her home. We wish the brave Agathe that it will happen as soon as possible!

Thank you to all the kind people who helped Agata!

Agathe was diagnosed with oncology when she was three years old. Unfortunately, it was the last stage. Mum was very scared... Her temperature and body pains were on the rise. Soon, Agathe was already in 7 months of chemotherapy. Remission occurred. The girl needed a bone marrow transplant ...

"My daughter's condition was very challenging. She was on the verge - Agathe might not survive the bone marrow transplant. I consulted with the doctors at the Sant Joan de Déu clinic, and they gave us hope - they told us that it was possible to do immunotherapy without TCM." Agathe's mum.

Her mum struggled to get her daughter to have immunotherapy in Spain. She sold everything they had. The treatment was successful, and the girl was able to return home when she went into remission. The little girl did what she had dreamed of for so long: she hugged her loved ones, went into her nursery, and laid out her toys... But soon there was a relapse. Doctors found a nidus of cancer cells in the head... The girl needed treatment again. It required a lot of money.

Every night Agatochka sobs on her mum's shoulder and tells how scared she is and wants to go home. But she knows that to live, she will have to be patient.

Thank you, kind people, for not turning away and helping to continue the treatment! We wish Agathe a speedy recovery and return home to her favorite pets!

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