Send help to Sun of hope PF!
10.09.2024 06:23
Instead of lessons, 11-year-old Ayazhan now receives IVs and undergoes complicated treatments. Crutches have replaced her dancing shoes. Cancer has divided her life into "before" and "after." Once always active and cheerful, Ayazhan now finds herself drained of strength and losing her last hope. The clinic will not treat her on credit, and new examinations and adjustments to her treatment plan are ahead. But without financial support, this young girl may be left without help or protection against cancer—a truly hopeless situation.
Ayazhan was supposed to enter the 5th grade this year, but due to her illness, she has to complete the school programme remotely. She looks at pictures of her happy classmates and cries. She is hurt and scared, knowing her life depends on the money her family doesn't have.
Osteosarcoma is a particularly aggressive type of cancer, marked by its rapid and destructive progression. That's exactly what Ayazhan has. In the winter of 2023, her leg began to ache, and she was soon diagnosed with a rapidly growing tumour. In her home country, the only option they could offer was leg amputation, but even that surgery required waiting. As her condition worsened, a decision had to be made urgently—not only to save her leg but also her life. The Severance Clinic managed to halt the cancer and save her leg, but cancer is insidious. If the treatment is not completed, the osteosarcoma will return and once again ravage her body from within.
Ayazhan has only one dream—to recover and return home. When her dad calls her on video, she asks to see her room. She knows what happens to children who are consumed by cancer when help comes too late or treatment is delayed. Time is a critical factor in her battle. If her treatment is interrupted, the cancer will return with even more aggression, leaving her no chance to heal.
"I am on my knees before you, dear people. My daughter is sick, and the cost of treatment is overwhelming. Our family has no money left to pay the clinic bills. Please, don't let my daughter suffer in pain!" Ayazhan's mother pleads.
Please help us save our son! Sultanchik is very sweet, and he will be eternally grateful for your kindness, as will we. Don't let us lose him; we love him so much! Unfortunately, we can't save him without your support." Dilnaz, Sultan's mum.
Read more ...Time is of the essence, and it is our responsibility as adults to take action! Every donation, repost in your Stories, or even a message to a friend could help save Elinochka.
Read more ...An unknown benefactor generously donated 50,000 soms for the treatment of little Elina, who is bravely battling blood cancer.
Read more ...Every three seconds, a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide. Sultan Stambekov, Head of the Department of Children's Oncology and Oncohaematology at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health, made this statement during a roundtable discussion on children's oncology.
Read more ...Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.
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