Amir Mirbekov: life after appealing to the Foundation

01.04.2024 12:51

Amir Mirbekov's fundraising is significant for our Foundation - one of the first large fundraisings with which we opened a wave of good help. We follow the story of our hero with anxiety. In two months, it will be one year since Amirchik underwent bone marrow transplantation. The kid is doing well. Now, he takes only two medicines for prophylaxis. He has become much more active, and his speech has improved - he understands everything, and he speaks separate words, but he can't say phrases yet. We believe that he will succeed. After all, he was able to go through such difficulties.

Amir Mirbekov's news: life after turning to the Foundation

"Shortly, Amir will need to undergo medical examinations and take various tests, some of which can be done at home while others, such as chimerism tests, will need to be performed in Turkey. In a couple of months, Amir will have a new flight, and after that, he will need to repeat all of his vaccinations, which can be done at home. Despite these challenges, we believe that everything will be fine with Amir, and we are grateful for the kindness and support of those who have donated to our fundraising campaign to help cover the costs of his treatment.” - Amir's aunt expresses her sincerest gratitude to everyone who has helped.

Amir's family appealed to us for help when the boy urgently needed a bone marrow transplant. The boy was diagnosed with cancer, and acute monoblastic leukaemia, and was in a high-risk group. Amir's story was able to create an incredible wave of charity. Donations came from all over the world, climbs to Lenin Peak were dedicated to him, and comments and letters were written. 

Thank you so much! Amirchik is alive thanks to your help!

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