Amir Mirbekov

Diagnosis: Cancer. Acute monoblastic leukaemia. High-risk group

Needed: Treatment at Medical Park (Istanbul, Turkey). Bone marrow transplant

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We urgently need help! Amir has had a bone marrow transplant!

Amirchik is only 3 years old. But he has to fight. Pain and suffering have been firmly entrenched in his life since August 2022. "Cancer. Acute monoblastic leukaemia. High risk," the diagnosis sounded like a verdict. Cancer eats away at the little body piece by piece. He's in a lot of pain and fear. He can't even tell you what's hurting him because he can't talk yet. 

Amir had nosebleeds and rashes all over his body, and he had a fever and cried a lot at night. Doctors did not suspect anything wrong and prescribed treatment for acute respiratory infections. The child felt better, but in a week, his condition worsened - the fever could not be relieved by any medicine. The next day we went to a local clinic for general blood tests. The results showed that her haemoglobin and thrombocytes were much lower. After a while, the diagnosis was clarified, and the boy was transferred to Oncology Department, where he underwent 2 chemotherapy sessions. After another MRT, the doctors said the cancer cells had spread to his right kidney and liver. "A severe and rare type of leukaemia, with which no child in Kyrgyzstan has yet survived..." - the doctors' words broke the family's life in half.

The family was told to look for treatment abroad. The only thing that could save the boy was a bone marrow transplant. Bone marrow transplants are not available in their homeland. Turkey's Medical Park clinic responded to the plea for help. But the cost of treatment was enormous! The parents had to sell their property to save their son's life. They had no time. Aggressive cancer continued to depress the child - the baby was fading before their eyes.

"We sold our property, and with the help of caring people, relatives and people we know, we have collected a certain amount of money, but it is not enough. The treatment is very expensive, and we cannot raise the whole amount on our own, especially in a short period!  That is why we are asking for help! Good people, without your help, our little boy will die. Please help us! Kenje, Amir's mother.

Before his illness, Amir was a very open and friendly boy. He loved seeing the family gathering around the family table and loved to hug his daddy and mummy at the same time. He danced, watched cartoons, and laughed when his mum tickled and kissed him. His parents dreamed of Amir growing up, choosing a profession and becoming a happy man. But cancer has ruined their happy life, bringing great sorrow - their baby's life depends on a lot of money...

Please save a child's life! Amir is in terrible danger!

Family message

They need help