
Happy birthday, Amir. We wish you strong health!
01 Jul 11:44

Today is the 5th birthday of our beneficiary, Amir. We want to wish him a happy birthday and a childhood full of joy and good health!

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Amir Mirbekov: life after appealing to the Foundation
01 Apr 12:51

Amir Mirbekov's fundraising is significant for our Foundation - one of the first large fundraisings with which we opened a wave of good help. We follow the...

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25 October - Amir's mother visits the foundation
27 Oct 17:04

Amirchik Mirbekov's mum visited us. He is the boy whom we helped to pay for treatment in Turkey. Thanks to your support and donations, he underwent Bone...

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You helped! Fundraising for Amir Mirbekov is closed
04 Sep 11:21

Friends, we are happy to announce that your kindness helped to close the fundraising for Amir's treatment! Recently, a mountaineering climb was dedicated to...

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Cancer prevents little Amir from talking!
30 Aug 14:02

In addition to the main problem with the baby's health, the baby still does not speak, although Amir understands all the speech addressed to him.

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A mountaineer dedicated his ascent to Amir. "Amir, don't give up, you will win!"
25 Aug 17:29

Our friend and volunteer of the Foundation, 36-year-old Ruslan, climbed Lenin Peak and unwrapped the Sun of Hope flag. He dedicated his risky and extreme...

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Amir Mirbekov has been diagnosed with an infection
24 Aug 06:32

We received alarming news from little Amir. Further tests showed an infection. The doctors urgently called him to the clinic and prescribed treatment. If...

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3-year-old Amir continues to fight bravely against cancer. Please support him!
15 Aug 07:58

Doctors are watching Amir closely, or they will risk missing the "graft versus host" reaction, a frequent and dangerous complication which occurs after bone...

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It's critical to save Amir before the cancer gets here first! Super urgent fundraising!
10 Aug 07:27

Many check-ups, chemotherapy courses and the most terrible thing, bone marrow transplantation, are behind him. His parents only had enough money for the...

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Amir's blood counts are still not getting back to normal
03 Aug 16:00

The baby is going through a complicated post-transplant period, which requires close attention from doctors. The heavy treatment and the blows of a dangerous...

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Amir begs doctors to stop hurting him
25 Jul 14:00

Amir has acute monoblastic leukaemia, a high-risk group, one of the most aggressive types of blood cancer

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Amir's news: The boy's nausea and vomiting continues
06 Jul 15:00

Amir's condition is still a constant concern for doctors. Post-transplant treatment is one of the most crucial steps in treating acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

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Alarming news has come to us from Amir. Please, support us!
07 Jun 10:08

Amir's mother Kenje has been diagnosed with an infectious disease, pleurisy, and can't be around her baby right now. Amir's immune system is weak, and the...

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We urgently need help! Amir has had a bone marrow transplant.
02 Jun 05:17

We urgently need help! Amir has had a bone marrow transplant, and treatment is ahead, but the necessary amount has not been raised. The baby's getting...

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Little Amir's life is at stake. Help!
22 Mar 06:49

Amir is only 3 years old. An age when he is actively developing and exploring the world and when every day brings new achievements and much joy. But not for...

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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